On this page you learn how to prepare your workspace to work with Onsharp.
Choose your IDE
First of all you need to choose the IDE you want to use. This is purely a matter of taste and we will not force anyone to use any IDE. But you should make sure that the IDE supports development with .NET Core 3.1, as well as NUGET.
We recommend Visual Studio by Microsoft or Rider by JetBrains but in the end you can use your IDE or you could use the normal Text Editor, if you like.
Next, make sure you meet the requirements to use Onsharp. You can find the latest requirements here. If you are sure you meet the requirements, you can create your project. In the following we show this for Visual Studio 19 and Rider. If you do not know how to do this with your chosen IDE, you can ask Google for help.
Setting up the Project
One thing before we launch. For the more advanced developers who've already gotten to grips with Git, we'll show you how to set up a local Git repository and then publish it. If you're not familiar with Git, or don't want to work with it, click here or skip the following section.
First, you need to initialize your local Git repository. Therefore, open up the GitBash or your command line in the folder of your choice and enter the following command and hit enter.
After that a directory called .git should have been created. Next up, you should create a remote Git repository at your hoster you like (e.g. GitHub or Gitlab). After that you can set the remote repo url for your local repo with the following command:
With that done, you can setup the basic information for your repo, like the .gitignore, the as well as the LICENSE file. After creating the files you can commit them and push them to the remote repo by executing the following commands in the given order:
Now your Git repository is set up and ready to use.
Visual Studio
The following instructions assume that you should have the Visual Studio 2019 start screen in front of you at the beginning. If not reopen Visual Studio and you should see the screen.
Click in the right bottom corner on Create new Project
Search for .NET Core and select the Option for creating a Class Library
Enter your Project Name, the Name for your Solution, as well as the Path to the wanted workspace folder. If you created a Git repository before, use the Path to the main folder which also contains the .git folder
Now click the rightmost button on the bottom of the window (should be like Create) which will create the project for you
The following instructions assume that you should have the Rider start screen in front of you at the beginning. If not, click on the upper menu on File -> Close Solution.
Click on New Solution on the right side unter the title to start the process
Select in the following window the Class Library option under the .NET Core group
Enter your Solution Name (the name of the project should be changed automatically) and set the Path to wherever you want.
Make sure you selected .NETCoreApp v3.1 or newer under SDK -> Framework.
Click on Create to create the Project. Maybe you need to reopen the Project so that it can be fully loaded.
What's next?
Now you are ready to start creating Plugins for and with Onsharp. Cick on Next below to get to the next page which explains how to start developing with Onsharp and the minimum to start your plugin.
Last updated
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