On this page you'll find the changelog of Onsharp.
1.1.0 - 14.08.2020
Updated Support for Onset v1.2.2 (Protocol Compatiblity 3)
Updated Vehicle Models,
Updated PluginSDK
Added the new events
API Version Check for Plugins (now plugins can define API Versions in the Meta to insure running the right Onsharp Version)
Permission System, with the possiblity to change player's permissions and make them OP / Admin (integrated admin / OP system)
Rework of the whole Command System, now supporting parameter descriptions, auto-generated usages, command descriptions and permission check
Console Commands are now reenabled, allowing you to create commands with aliases
I18n has now modes (Disabled, which disables the module, Internal, which just lets the i18n interanlly and Configurable, which allows the user to configure the langs externally)
1.0.13 - 11.08.2020
Integrated I18n support
1.0.12 - 11.08.2020
DllImport on Linux which couldn't find the right dll path
Reversed ForEach in the Call of the Bridge from C++
1.0.11 - 30.07.2020
FileSystem Utility Class
Package Provider to provide the Server with LUA packages
LazyMover: The lazy mover is a module to sort and move DLLs to the right places. Now you can drop all your built DLLs into the lazy folder in the server root and Onsharp will do the rest. Look into the Configuration section to see how to enable the LazyMover
Wrong Long Marshalling
1.0.10 - 22.07.2020
More Linq Extensions
SteamID Converting into SteamID2 and SteamID32
Missing Vehicle Damage Event
Typed Entities on Remote Calling
Some XML Documentation
Wrong Quote at the Beginning of a concatenated String
Loading of Files which are not DLLs (non IL Format)
1.0.8 - 17.07.2020
WeaponSlot Range Check (now from 1 to 3)
Local Property Values which allowing you, to store C# only Data to an specific Entity
Check Functionalities for Property Values
1.0.7 - 16.07.2020
SEHException on Color Set
Color Converting
JSON Constructor to Vector Class for Serialization
Font Size Parameter to SendColoredMessage
1.0.6 - 15.07.2020
SetPropertyValue now has synced flag
Player Cast Error on Quit
Merged ColoredChat in Main Package
Test Plugin in Main Package
1.0.5 - 13.07.2020
The ServerAPI now gets initialized correctly
PackageStart and PackageStop event, use OnStart() and OnStop() instead
Last updated
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