On this page we will explain the really simple process of installing Onsharp and keeping it up to date, as well as installing plugins.
Installing Onsharp the first Time
To install Onsharp, you should simply use the Onsharp Installer made by the OnsharpTeam. You can find the download on the Github page or just by clicking here.
To use the installer you need to have Java 8 or newer installed. Just drag the onsharp-installer.jar into you server directory and run the jar.
We recommend you to keep the jar after installation because with the jar, you can update Onsharp later.
Updating Onsharp
When Onsharp gets a new update, Onsharp will tell you that in the console of the server. To install the update you jsut need to rerun the onsharp-installer.jar.
Install Plugins
First of all, you should run Onsharp once before installing any plugins. After starting Onsharp at least once, Onsharp will create the whole folder structure.
After the folder structure is created, you can install your wanted plugin. To install your plugin you need to differentiate between two types of DLL: The real plugin DLL, which needs to be moved to the plugins folder and the other DLLs which are the third-party libraries which need to be moved to the libs folder.
After moving the right DLLs to the right places you can just restart the server and the plugin should be loaded. If the plugin is not loaded correctly, please contact the plugin developer, and not us.
Last updated
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